Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Character Counts
“The Six Pillars of Character”
Trustworthiness is basically if they should be worthy to be trusted with anything like something as big as your life to something as small to keeping a ring safe or turning in homework.
Respect is a big one in a relationship or friendship because it teaches you to keep your hands to yourself and to respect their personal space or to respect their decisions.
Responsibility is if you are able to take the responsibility to your own actions as if you did a crime and it’s your responsibility to turn yourself in.
Fairness is too seeing whether you treat everybody the same or differently because that shows if you have a big ignorant level or you have an out-going type of mind.
Caring is too see if you actually have feelings for them and it doesn’t matter if they are together feelings or friend feelings it just kind of matters too see as if they die then you would cry because you cared for them a lot.
Citizenship is whether or not you’re friendly to different kind of races and ethnicities and also religions.
I think the Six Pillars of Character is a great way to look at a personalities yet I feel as if I lack 1 or 2 because I’m not sure I have the pillars of citizenship and fairness. But I really think that the six pillars is a way to judge people too see if they are friendly or unique. And  I will try to Live by the Six Pillars of Character till the die of my last breath because the six pillars shows you more than how to live. It Shows you how to live happier.

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